
The Serra de Tramuntana, declared World Heritage by the Unesco in the category of cultural landscape, offers an infinity of walks and excursions to enjoy hiking in Mallorca. An impressive natural landscape that shelters our Eden Hotels. The walks and excursions described next will take you to the most beautiful corners of the range. By touring them you will discover its fascinating mountain range with peaks higher than 1000 metres!

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Puerto de Sóller - Torre Picada

From our Hotel Eden Nord Sóller you can start this route. This excursion starts walking along Paseo des Través until Antoni Montis street, parallel to the torrent where you will discover beautiful and well kept olive gardens. You will also see Torre Picada which is located on the riffs on the North face of Puerto de Sóller. From this tower you will be able to see its twin sisters: the towers of Na Seca and Sa Pedrissa.

Sóller - Faro de Cap de Gros

This route belongs to an vast net of roads that formerly linked villages, mountain villas, gardens and olive trees plantations. The traveler can initiate the itinerary from our Hotel Eden Sóller in a route where he will be able to feel the vegetal attraction of Sóller: orange trees, lemon trees, medlar trees…It can also be visited the chapel of Son Castelló, houses of Can Prohom and Son Mico and perceive the Mediterranean coastal landscape along the Tramuntana or the white rocks in the coast of Deia.

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Sóller - Barranco de Biniaraix

Hotel Eden Sóller will be the starting point of wonderful routes during your holidays. One of them, the passage to the Barranco de Biniarix where you can enjoy the stone paved principal road which will lead you to the Posession of l’Ofre, and after that, the water reservoirs of Cuber and Gorg Blau. An especially idyllic natural spot is when the torrent carries water and you can enjoy sound of the water coming out of the natural waterfall called Can Catí.

Sóller - Binibassí

From the municipal football field in Sóller you can start this way to Camí des Murterar, which is along the torrent, until you get to a bridge where you have to follow Camí de ses Moncades on the way to Binibassí. A little village formed with a group of houses that in the XIV century belonged to the noble and poet Gillem de Torrella. Also it crosses orange gardens and you will be able to enjoy the views over the villa and the valley of Sóller.

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